A lot of people are talking about having 2020 vision in the new year and I’m left wondering what is so important that we need to see it with perfect clarity? The answer is simple: our purpose. Otherwise known as our personal mission in life.
If we don’t have a target, it’s impossible to reach, and we might end up working hard on someone else’s dream. That won't do!
Only we can determine our mission. How? The best question I’ve found to uncover your mission is:
What do you want more of in 2020 because you know it will make the world a better place?
This question is critical because it gets us thinking about our inspiration and highest intention!
Maybe you want more joy, grit, grace, or hope in 2020?
I want more love and strength. I want to love myself enough to raise my standards and honor my commitments to myself, knowing everything else will blossom from there. Also, my love for our Tori Belle family, and dear ones, gives me all the strength I need to continue moving forward each day.
If you haven’t created your personal mission statement, you may want some guidance creating one.
Stephen Covey explains that a personal mission statement is where we begin with the end in mind. The process of creating a mission statement can seem overwhelming and difficult, but it’s a simple formula.
Combine your top values (what you want more of in the world) with your top strengths of character (what lights you up whether it’s for work, fun, a hobby or even just a distraction, for example, generosity, tenacity, or creativity) and voila…you have your mission statement!
You will use your strength of character to create what you most value in the world!
Fill in the following sentence to create your own personal mission statement!
Create __________________through/with_______________________.
I’ve always loved to encourage people and give expert guidance and I see now it’s the fabric of who I am. That’s why my personal mission statement is; Create hope, independence and prosperity through encouragement and expert guidance.
Once you see with precision where you're going, it’s time to GO FOR IT...always remembering your goals are steps toward your mission!
Comment below with your personal mission statement! I can't wait to read them!