Ever had to pull over because it was too foggy to see the road ahead? In life when the fog of hustle and worries, "what ifs" and past mistakes rolls in and we're unsure of our next step, this is the perfect time to take a mindful pause in the moment.
In that pause I've found a wondrous thing happens; slowing down my busy mind results in the opening of my senses! The richness of the sounds, smells and sights of the world around me reveal themselves and I wake to the opportunities and positives all around!
What a gift to be less and less lost in the fog of past and future thoughts so I don't miss the beauty and possibilities of the now. How cool we are designed with five senses to keep us alert and less reactive so our next step forward becomes clear.
Carving out time for the physical, mental and emotional mindfulness practices I need to stay curious, calm and clear is the best gift I give myself each day. It’s even more effective at opening my eyes than coffee!
The best part of the present is sharing it's gifts with my family, friends and all those around me, whether at work or play!
Here are a few tips to strengthen your mindfulness practice:
Create Physical Space:
· Create a space where you feel at ease and can meditate, pray, study and clarify what comes through
· Spend time in nature
Create Mental Space:
· Create a To Be list – Joyful, Grateful, Generous, Hopeful, Silly, Confident…check!
· Stay connected to each breath you take, staying as close to it as you can; it's your guide back to the present moment
Create Emotional Space:
· Get some distance from the people and things that trigger you
· Explore where you may be taking things personally and see if this process yields new information or a fresh perspective
Bonus Activity
Return to the present moment by pausing to ask yourself three simple questions:
1. What are two things I hear right now
2. What are two things I see right now
3. What are two things I smell right now
Trying this with others may lead to laughter and frivolity!
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Lady Gaga